Thursday, April 3, 2008


Giljae Yeo

Jinseo, C. (2008). YouTube Open Korean Site With Dim Outlook. Retrieved April 3, 2008 from

Daunting – to make somebody feel nervous
Censorship – the act or policy of censoring books
Skeptical – doubts that a claim or statement is true or something will happen
Belated – happening late
Cautious – being careful about what you say or do
Enforce – to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule
Strict – that must be obeyed exactly
Regulations – an official rule made by a government or other authority
Loophole – a mistake in the way a law
Clash – an argument between two people or groups
Acquired – to gain something your own efforts

In Jin-seo`s (2008) “YouTube Open Korean Site With Dim Outlook” stats that the YouTube open the korea site last Wednesday. Already other 18 nations had genially serviced from the YouTube. But in korea previously has being other local site such as Daum, Pandora TV and Afreeca. That is kind of problem for the korea YouTube. For example, the search – engine sites like Google and Yahoo, which are having less 5% users for using the internet in korea. Furthermore, the korean government has high standard for the video clips, they do not allow sexual, violent, or politically contents on Web sites. The Youtube`s assistant says respect for korean regulations but surely there will be loopholes. For instance, the Turkish government last week stopped access to YouTube because of illegal video.

Now i`m also using the YouTube. Acually, I do not know that when I was in korea because Korea has lot of sites, same as YouTube, so do not need to use it. I think that our country has the fastest internet line in the world. We can use the internet everywhere in Korea. I support that the YouTube would be not success in Korea, now that is not rare item. They seem lately come to Korea. If want success goal apt to find specific way for the Korean users. Such as listen carefully users` opinion.

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