Thursday, April 17, 2008

RRJ #4

GilJae Yeo
RRJ #4

Ji-sook, B.(2007). Health Tops issues Among Office Workers. Retrieved April 17, 2008 from

Recruitment – workers, soldiers, or members is the act or process of selecting
Chronic – illness or disability lasts for a very long time
Proficiency – if you show proficiency something, you show ability or skill at it
Owing – be in debt, be in arrears, be overdrawn
Irregular – if events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths
Corporation – is a large business or company
Fierce – animals or person is very aggressive or angry

In Ji-sook`s article “Health Tops issues Among Office Workers,” he states that we have to have pay attention of workers in Korea about their health. The article says most workers have pain from ulcers, stomachache or insomnia. The survey research showed that most young worker want to have public service or teaching. Also, many workers felt an oppressive sensation about when they have to study English because they cannot enough chance about using English. Moreover, many workers have not exercise. However, the article says if you use in workplace about like a well-being trend, it will make workers more pay attention to their health and stress.

I think I agree this article about many workers have problems their health because Korean companies have more night work hours and the boss give a lot of work. This is make health problems and gives stress. When I was work part-time job, I did not work long time because they give to me more stressful. So, I think companies need to give vacation and recreation games. It will make good benefits about workers have more good health, have more time, and have less stress.

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