Sunday, April 27, 2008


GilJae Yeo

Jha, A. (2006, October 3). Overeating by obese people is like drug addiction, brain research finds. Retrieved on April 27, 2008 from,,1886474,00.html
Craving – a strong desire for something
Compulsive – not being able to control their behavior
Attempt – an act of trying to do something
Territory – a particular type of area
Induce – to persuade or influence somebody to do something
Restraint – the act of controlling or limiting something because it is necessary or sensible to do so
Insight – the ability to see and understand the truth about people
Soothe – to make somebody who is anxious, upset. Feel calmer
Determine – to discover the facts about something
In Jha`s article “Overeating by obese people is like drug addiction, brain research finds” the author states that the desire to overeat directly from the part of brain connected to emotional state. This study is done with “the National Academy of Sciences.” The research was started from the hypothesis “which part of brain and stomach.” Twenty volunteers who had obesities had had gastric stimulators for two years. This gastric stimulator decreased volunteers` desire to eat 21% less than when the stimulator did not work. Those new outcomes can be very important booster for decreasing the number of people with the obesity.
Nowadays, there are a lot of obese people you can they see. I know that they haven`t wanted to be fat, but they made it. It is depends on their willing like giving smoking up. Even if they don`t want to be a fat people, they cannot stop overeating. The most important thing is they know if people are fat, it will be caused serious diseases. But they cannot stop because their brain wants to be full their stomach. In fact obese people don`t think about losing weight. Actually, in my case I think eating too much because I think when I have too much stressful, I have eating too much but in this article says that it is likes drug addiction. Also, I have eating much sweet things such as soft drink, soda drink, candy, and snack. It would be caused dangerous diseases in my body. So, we should have good eating habit.

Monday, April 21, 2008


GilJae Yeo

Thiederman, S. (n.d). Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words. Retrieved April 21, 2008 from

Barriers – problems that prevents two people or groups from agreeing, communicating, or working with each other
Contradict – you say that what they have just said is wrong, or suggest that it is wrong by saying something different
Articulate – you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well
Slouches – they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive
Clues – problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it
Boundaries – something such as a subject or activity are the limits that people think that it has

In Thiederman`s article “Body language Speaks Louder Than Words,” the author states that body language is good communication and is peculiarly important when trialing to communicate across cultural and language barriers. Body language can be the most important parts of communication because of someone who cannot communicate with verbal language. People can more understand when we speak with movement than without movement. The reason that they can understand easily is body language make listeners to understand communicating emotion definitely during communication. Moreover, we can figure out that each country have different movement when they speak with movement.

1. When is body language important (find out in this article)?
2. Do you think everyone uses body language? Give an example.
3. Explain how different body language between other countries?


GilJae Yeo

Intelligence Test

Nowadays, many people have taken an IQ test because the government wants to find people who receive higher scores. The government knows that people have different IQ score because they have different environment and knowledge. When people have taken an IQ test, they did not know their IQ score because the school did not give the IQ score, but they know your score. If you have a higher IQ score, you may get a different education. Generally, many people have an average IQ score, but some people have a good IQ score. I think that we should take IQ tests. I am going to write about why people do the test and how we do the test.
First, we should test because we want to find when people have a higher score. According to Seal`s book, “gifted children experience advantages in virtually everything. They are taller, faster, better coordinated, have better eyesight, fewer emotional problems, and tend to stay married longer than average.” (Seal, 1998, p108). For example, when you have higher IQ score, usually other people envy you and someone does not like your gifted ability because when you have gifted ability, you have a high opinion of yourself and you have different ability. So, we should take a test, and we should have different education.
Secondly, we do testing because we have many parts of the testing method such as scientifics, mathematics, and logical. According to the “Role” article, “some school districts rely heavily, or even exclusively, on standardized IQ test scores to identify giftedness, yet other districts may use a multidimensional procedure that views test scores as only one piece of a much larger picture of a child`s talents.” (Role, 2007, para. 4). Also, we have different abilities. So, the government should make a good test method.
Opponents say that they do not want to separate study different education. According to Role`s article, “IQ only identification point out that these tests may assess only a narrow range of ability, neglecting a child`s strengths in other areas, such as spatial reasoning or nonacademic talents.” (Role, 2007, para. 4). They do not want to have a distinction because they think that they are not different but they just have more intelligence than them. They wants their IQ scores secret. So, we do not have to take IQ tests because many people want their IQ score secret.
In conclusion, we should take IQ testing because we have different knowledge and ability. The government should know people who have higher IQ score because if you have a high IQ score, you will help to develop your nation. If you do not have a good IQ score, you have to study more and develop a good ability. So, we need to develop good intelligence and ability.

Seal, B. (1998). Giftedness(107-8). In Academic encounters : Human behavior. New York : Cambridge.
Role of Standardized Intelligence Measures in Testing for Giftedness. (2007, July 25). Indiana university. Retrieved April 21, 2008 from

Thursday, April 17, 2008

RRJ #4

GilJae Yeo
RRJ #4

Ji-sook, B.(2007). Health Tops issues Among Office Workers. Retrieved April 17, 2008 from

Recruitment – workers, soldiers, or members is the act or process of selecting
Chronic – illness or disability lasts for a very long time
Proficiency – if you show proficiency something, you show ability or skill at it
Owing – be in debt, be in arrears, be overdrawn
Irregular – if events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths
Corporation – is a large business or company
Fierce – animals or person is very aggressive or angry

In Ji-sook`s article “Health Tops issues Among Office Workers,” he states that we have to have pay attention of workers in Korea about their health. The article says most workers have pain from ulcers, stomachache or insomnia. The survey research showed that most young worker want to have public service or teaching. Also, many workers felt an oppressive sensation about when they have to study English because they cannot enough chance about using English. Moreover, many workers have not exercise. However, the article says if you use in workplace about like a well-being trend, it will make workers more pay attention to their health and stress.

I think I agree this article about many workers have problems their health because Korean companies have more night work hours and the boss give a lot of work. This is make health problems and gives stress. When I was work part-time job, I did not work long time because they give to me more stressful. So, I think companies need to give vacation and recreation games. It will make good benefits about workers have more good health, have more time, and have less stress.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


GilJae Yeo
RRJ #3

Shin-who, K. (2008). Many Students Make U-Tern From Overseas Studies. Retrieved April 10, 2008 from

Overseas studies – study in foreign countries
Fading – to make something become paler or less bright / smaller too
Enrollment – the act of officially joining a course, school
Figure – a number representing a particular amount
Attributed – to say that something is the result of a particular thing
Domestic – not foreign or international
Forcing – violent physical action used to obtain or achieve something
Prestigious – respected and admired as very high quality
Brain drain – the movement of highly skilled and qualified people to a country where they can work in better conditions

In Shin who`s article “Many Students Make U-Tern From Overseas Studies,” he states that the students are back to home country whose studying abroad. The domestic universities had received transfer applications from overseas schools. The returning student`s number is annually increased. Most of reasons are high tuition fees and hard graduated for international students. Those reasons make however most companies say that employers choose graduates from domestic universities but most works are from overseas universities.

My major is not related with this article however due to studying abroad, it makes me very interested. I`m also international student from Korea and mainly agree with this article. The most recently years, overseas studies are common among Korean students. The number of students going to start studying English became passed the ocean. Starting the fewer 1 year to until graduated school; lots of students are challenged to studying in abroad. When I in first time, I thought I can do everything. In the article states some reason, the first reason is high tuition fees for international students. The United States University`s one semester tuition fees are roughly double that of the Korea. A second reason is it is hard to study. The international students are having double work than American students. Those reasons are made give up studying in abroad.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


GilJae Yeo


Nowadays, many people want good educations. Education is important in their life. Most parents spend lots of money because they want their children to have a good education. Moreover, some people do not make an effort about studying but they have other interests such as music, exercise, art. The government worker to give effort children a higher intelligence ability. The government has made good programs and they want to change poor educations. I am going to write about home life, social life, and work life which benefit from education.
First, most people have home life improved by education. Parents give a polite and good life style for children. Also, many children affect their family. For example, when I was young, my parents tried to teach me language skill and they helped me grow up in my life, but I do not have lot of discipline. Sometimes, many parents give discipline their children, but my parents do not have a lot of stick. So, parents need to help their children. This is important because when they children grow up, it will be made good ability.
Second, social life is improved by education. Most people go to school because there they learn about social nature, knowledge, and community skill. For example, when people go to the school, they meet many friends who have different personality. So, they learn about how people know show their emotion when they meet someone.
Finally, work life is improved by education. Many people want to have a better job because it makes more money and they have higher stator. Moreover, if they have low level, they try to change their job because they want to make more money. For example, many companies want an intelligent person when they have to decide on an employee. So, my sisters decide to move to another university because many companies want to honor that university. This situation is normal in Korea because most people want to join a good company. So, if you want to join a good company, you have to have more study.
In conclusion, I think education is very important in your life because we have to meet lots of people and we want to have a good job. People can have a home life and social life improved by education. Also, work life is improved by education. So, we need have to more study and learn good skills. This will make a good personality with good knowledge.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Giljae Yeo

Jinseo, C. (2008). YouTube Open Korean Site With Dim Outlook. Retrieved April 3, 2008 from

Daunting – to make somebody feel nervous
Censorship – the act or policy of censoring books
Skeptical – doubts that a claim or statement is true or something will happen
Belated – happening late
Cautious – being careful about what you say or do
Enforce – to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule
Strict – that must be obeyed exactly
Regulations – an official rule made by a government or other authority
Loophole – a mistake in the way a law
Clash – an argument between two people or groups
Acquired – to gain something your own efforts

In Jin-seo`s (2008) “YouTube Open Korean Site With Dim Outlook” stats that the YouTube open the korea site last Wednesday. Already other 18 nations had genially serviced from the YouTube. But in korea previously has being other local site such as Daum, Pandora TV and Afreeca. That is kind of problem for the korea YouTube. For example, the search – engine sites like Google and Yahoo, which are having less 5% users for using the internet in korea. Furthermore, the korean government has high standard for the video clips, they do not allow sexual, violent, or politically contents on Web sites. The Youtube`s assistant says respect for korean regulations but surely there will be loopholes. For instance, the Turkish government last week stopped access to YouTube because of illegal video.

Now i`m also using the YouTube. Acually, I do not know that when I was in korea because Korea has lot of sites, same as YouTube, so do not need to use it. I think that our country has the fastest internet line in the world. We can use the internet everywhere in Korea. I support that the YouTube would be not success in Korea, now that is not rare item. They seem lately come to Korea. If want success goal apt to find specific way for the Korean users. Such as listen carefully users` opinion.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Summary reponse

GilJae Yeo




Nowadays, most of parents want their children have more intelligence, but most children do not like gifted children because they are more intelligence and have better ability than normal. If children have giftedness, some children have an air of consequence. Parents think that education is the important thing. Societies need educated people, but people have different abilities. But children who are gifted, are not different to average children. Seal (1998) “giftedness” the author discusses giftedness and its characteristics. I agree whit this article about when children are intellectually gifted, they will be more comfortable about studying.

In Seal.B (2008) article, “Giftedness” the author defines types of giftedness and discusses characteristics of the mentally gifted. Seal describes the types of six categories such as psychomotor abilities, visual and performing arts, leadership ability, creative or productive think, specific academic aptitude, and gifted intelligence. L. M. Terman started a study of mentally gifted in 1920s. Terman`s research group concentrated on about 1,500 children who got over 135 IQ. In 1956, Lewis Terman died but the test still continued. Terman`s children have more educational, better financially, smarter children than average. Many Terman children did grow up to be rich and famous and live happily but not all.

Actually, I think I do not have giftedness. When I went to middle school, I saw my friend who had more intelligence and giftedness. I had a sense of inferiority about his ability. For example, when we had a test, I usually took 3 to 4 hours to prepare for an examination but my friend took 1 hour. Moreover, he had more intelligence and good ability. I think he never tried to study hard because he had giftedness. For these reason, I make an effort to study because I want to be similar my friend.

In conclusion, most people who have giftedness and good ability, they will be rich and famous and live happily. And they will have more education and development of their ability because they can help the nation. However, if you have do not this ability, you can make a good ability. You are not different from a prodigy, but you have to have more education and effort to development your ability.


Seal, B. (1998). Giftedness(107-8). In Academic encounters : Human behavior. New York : Cambridge.