Wednesday, March 26, 2008


GilJae Yeo
RRJ #1

Ji-sook, B. (2008). Campus Violence Hits 28 Percent of Students. Retrieved March 26, 2008, from


Reluctant - hesitating before doing something
Disciplinary - connected with the punishment of people who break rules
Slapped - to hit somebody with the flat part of your hand
Meted out – to order that someone should be punished in a certain way
Glorified – to indicate that something is less important or impressive
Committed – willing to work hard and give your time and energy to something
Apparent – that seems to be real or true but may not be
Slip – to slide out of position or out of your hand
Authorities – the power to give orders to people
Backlash – a strong negative reaction by a large number or people
Assaulter – a person who attacks some body, especially physically

In Ki-sook’s article “Campus Violence Hits 28 Percent of Students,” she states that University students have been physically attacked from seniors. According to online portal Albaro’s survey explain 28% student have had physical violence from on campus. Such as running to cold seawater or getting physical attack. However, seniors say it is kind of tradition. There are a number of reasons for violence, tradition, drunkenness, justified and glorified. Mainly, tradition is making more violence and it going to continue.

I was a student in Korea University, so I know this violence this violence problem. Therefore I focus on this article. Although I have never been hit from a senior, but I know that annually starting semester, over one person gets injuries from violence on campus. In Korea the semester starts in March. When freshmen visit their university they have orientation. After finished official orientation, seniors arranged unofficial orientation for freshmen. Most freshmen expect their university life, this time is the first step for university students. But these orientation days were occurring lots of violence. Senior offer to freshman lots of alcohols and order physical punishment. Normally, other course of departments orientation is not keep tradition but departments have related neither physical nor sport are having high value for tradition. Those departments have more violence problem than others.

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